Entrepreneurial Internship Program

Frequently Asked Questions

What is considered an entrepreneurial internship?

We consider a summer internship to be entrepreneurial if it is hosted by an employer that is an early stage startup or nonprofit, OR if the job nature is innovative and entrepreneurial in nature within a larger organization.

What types of employers qualify for the internship grant?

Following are the eligibility requirements for employers who can post jobs covered by the entrepreneurial internship grant.

  • The company must be less than 10 years old
  • The company must have between 2-30 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) employees
  • The company must commit to providing 1×1 mentorship to the student on a weekly basis
  • All companies may apply, however preference may be given to companies co-founded / led by Tufts alumni
How many entrepreneurial internship grants to you award per year?

The number varies, but we aim to fund 6-8 students to take entrepreneurial internships hosted by eligible employers that would otherwise be unpaid

Who organizes the Entrepreneurial Internship Program?

The program is run in partnership between the Derby Entrepreneurship Center (which curates entrepreneurial job listings and provides $4,500 grant awards for a limited number of of otherwise unpaid internships) and the Tufts Career Office (which administers the grant application and awarding process).

Who decides whether a student will receive the internship award and with what selection critera?

The Tufts Career Office holds primary responsibility for running the application and acceptance process for students with a job offer in hand who is applying for a  Entrepreneurial Internship grant.

Is the internship grant going to affect my financial aid package?

No, the internship fund will not affect your financial aid situation.

Do students get any training or support by Tufts prior to the internship?

DEC will host an orientation meeting for all Entrepreneurial Internship Fund recipients prior to the summer to prepare student interns for the office environment and set business expectations.

Will students get any mentorship by the employer?

Yes. In accepting a student who is a recipient of the Entrepreneurial Internship Grant, employers agree to mentor the student intern throughout the summer, helping them grow both personally and professionally.

Students can also sign up for episodic coaching through DEC’s pop-up coaching service.