General Questions About The Minor


Have a question not listed here?

Please reach out to Carol Denning, Assistant Director of the Derby Entrepreneurship Center at:

What is the difference between “Entrepreneurial Leadership Studies” (ELS) and “Entrepreneurship” (ENT)?

ELS (Entrepreneurial Leadership Studies) was the original name for our minor. In 2020, we changed the name of the minor to ENT (Entrepreneurship). The name better reflects the focus of our courses and minor.

As a title, “Entrepreneurship” more clearly encompasses all of the courses offered within the minor. Any ELS courses that have been successfully completed will count towards the ENT minor. Students completing the minor’s graduation requirements on or after June 2020 can receive the ENT minor. Students who matriculated in 2019 or earlier have the option to receive the ELS minor if  preferred. Registration for Fall 2020 forward will use the ENT course coding; however, the numerical course identifiers will not change.

What is the difference between minor requirements before and after September 2022?

Exciting changes are coming for the ENT Minor effective from September 2022 onward! We are moving to more flexible requirements to allow students the opportunity to obtain a solid foundation in entrepreneurship along with the flexibility to pursue courses that align with students’ interests. These requirements are 100% backward-compatible with existing requirements, so students who are on track to earn the minor will not need to change their plans. Students who have not yet completed their minor requirements will have more flexibility to choose courses in their area of interest while receiving a solid foundation for the entrepreneurial method.

Are the changes only relevant for incoming freshmen?

No. The changes are relevant for anyone graduating in Fall 2022 and beyond. We understand that if you are graduating in 2022, you may have already planned to take courses according to the old requirements. Don’t worry – you can earn the minor on time because the changes to the minor are 100% backward-compatible.

Do the new requirements mean I don’t have to take all core courses, for example, Entrepreneurial Finance?

Yes, you can earn the minor without taking all the core courses. You only need to earn 12 credits — 6 of which need to be chosen from the core courses. That said, we strongly recommend all ENT students take at least one course in accounting or finance. For AY2022-23, if you elect not to take Entrepreneurial Finance (4 credits) — a must-have for students contemplating a career in investment banking or financial services in any capacity — you can choose to take EC3 Financial Accounting or EC 50 Introduction to Finance. For AY2023-24 and beyond, we anticipate introducing additional finance courses at an introductory level (2-3 credits) for entrepreneurial students.

I have questions about the new requirements. Who can I talk to?

Please email Carol Denning, Assistant Director of Derby Entrepreneurship Center and our Entrepreneurship Minor academic advisor, at Thanks!

What new courses are being offered in AY2024-2025?

We will be offering a new exploratory course called “Software Prototyping Without Code” – Open to all students, including freshmen.


What are the changes to the redesigned ENT141 for Spring 2025?

ENT141 Innovative Social Enterprises will join the list of courses that satisfy the foundational course requirement.


I have already taken a Foundational Course. Can I take a second one as an elective?

We do not recommend that you take more than one course from the foundational course list to satisfy the elective requirement for the Entrepreneurship Minor. All foundational courses share core learning objectives, and while the sector-specific variants (BME184, ENT141, ENT151, ENT161) have a different industry focus compared with ENT101, students will find the content repetitive. It is a much better use of your time to choose a different course from our extensive list of electives to make the most of your in-class experience.


Transfer Credit and Double Counting Questions


I took courses at another institution (for example I am a transfer student, or I wish to study abroad), can I transfer these credits?

Yes, you can find complete details about the transfer credit process on this Tufts website. During this process, if you request ENT course credit, then your request will be routed to the Undergraduate Transfer of Credit Department Representative listed here for Entrepreneurship. In conjunction with faculty, this person determines the acceptability of the content of your requested course(s). When you input your request in SIS, it is imperative that you include a link to the course syllabus. If you are accessing the syllabus through the student portal of another university, then the Tufts representative will not be able to access the syllabus through the link you use. You will need to copy the syllabus, perhaps to a Google document, and upload an accessible link in SIS. If you wish for your request to be considered for equivalency to an existing course, then please indicate this in your SIS request. Please note that transfer credits are not typically issued for core course equivalencies. Transfer credits are only issued for elective course credit. Transfer credit requests are reviewed on a monthly basis. If you do not receive a response to your request in SIS within one month, then you can please reach out to  

I am a School of Arts and Science student. Can I double count my courses between my majors and minors?

Yes! For students in the School of Arts and Sciences, a maximum of two courses used to fulfill a foundation, distribution or concentration requirement may be used toward fulfillment of the minor. There are no  restrictions for students in the School of Engineering.

I am a School of Engineering student. Do your courses satisfy the SoE-HASS requirement or other distribution requirements?

Most ENT courses include the following class attributes: BFA-Social Science, LA-Distribution-Social Sciences, SoE-HASS-Social Sciences. Be sure to check SIS for details.

Course Progression Questions


What is a good course progression for a student interested in building software ventures?

Following is an example course progression for a student interested in building software ventures.

What is a good course progression for a student interested in a career in finance?

Following is an example course progression for a student interested in building software ventures.

What is a good course progression for a student interested in product design and product management?

Following is an example course progression for a student interested in product design and product management

What is a good course progression for a student interested in creative and media arts?

Following is an example course progression for a student interested in creative and media arts.

I'm a biomedical engineering student. I only have time for 1 or 2 courses. Which course should I take?

Biomedical Engineering students have a heavy course load and often find it hard to fit Entrepreneurship courses into their schedule without running into a conflict with a required course for their majors. If there is room for one course, we recommend taking one of the Foundational courses from our portfolio. Specifically, BME184 Biomedical Entrepreneurship & Strategy or ENT101 Entrepreneurship and Business Planning are the best choice for you.

I am an undergraduate student with no technical experience. What courses might I take to learn more about product development?

There are two courses designed for students with little or no technical experience: ENT164 Introduction to Making teaches students a variety of physical maker skills, from hand making to 3d printing, laser cutting, creating simple circuits to writing code and creating interactive prototypes. ENT193.02 Software Prototyping Without Code teaches students to develop web and mobile apps without knowing how to write code. Both require no experience and are open to first year students.