ENT159 Art Entrepreneurship
When:  Spring 2024
Credits:  3 credits
Enrollment Restrictions:  By Permission of Instructor
Additional Notes:  


Kendall Reiss

Kendall Reiss

In her work, Kendall Reiss focuses on two separate yet parallel modes of inquiry: the design and fabrication of contemporary jewelry alongside material experiments, which result in sculptural objects and time-based installations.


As innovative thinkers, artists address and answer questions of creative entrepreneurship in myriad ways from pop-ups to public projects, performances to artist run spaces, from online retail to non-profits. In this semester-long course, students will cultivate professional practices and methods that support creative career development. Weekly readings, lectures, discussions, assignments and visitors will address topics related to professional artistic development including: goal setting, artist writing, networking & community building, promotion, documentation, grants & residencies, business planning, non-profits, navigating museums and galleries, etc. Together with a community of peers, students will work towards the development of their own professional artistic objectives.