ENT193.03 Software Prototyping Without Code
When:  Fall
Credits:  2 credits, Second Half
Enrollment Restrictions:  None
Additional Notes:  


Elaine Chen

Elaine Chen

Elaine Chen is the Cummings Family Professor of the Practice in Entrepreneurship and the Director of Derby Entrepreneurship Center at Tufts.


Software Prototyping Without Code demystifies the process of creating infrastructure, websites and mobile and web apps for students who do not come from a technical background. We will start with introducing no code web builders such as Wix and Squarespace, online notetaking and organizational platforms such as Notion, and database-like services such as Airtable. We will look into expert usage of Google Suite and introduce you to interoperability and automation tools such as Zapier. The course culminates in the development and deployment of a mobile app built upon a low-code / no-code platform. You will learn all the tools of the trade that allows you to deploy real products and services in support of venture creation without writing a single line of code.