ENT193.05 Team and Talent Management (2 credits)
When:  Spring
Credits:  2 credits, First Half
Enrollment Restrictions:  Must have sophomore standing.
Additional Notes:  


Stacy Lennon

Stacy Lennon

Stacy Lennon is a negotiation and conflict management trainer, facilitator, and coach with 20 years of experience in Asia, the Middle East, Europe, sub-Saharan Africa, and North America.


Team and Talent Management is a course focused on the most critical success factor in creating not just young startups and emerging companies, but also any business of any size. This course focuses on the entire chain of team building and talent management from building high-performing teams, recruiting, hiring, and onboarding new employees to the overall personnel management of the business. This course outlines the strategic planning surrounding building the organizational structure while exploring the tactics of objective setting, hiring and firing decision making, compensation structures and reviews, and employee development. This course is open to undergraduates and graduate students who are interested in bringing an innovative and entrepreneurial mindset to both startups and corporate jobs early in their careers.