Marilyn is an experience strategist with over 25 years of practice in customer-centered and business-savvy design. She works with companies to help them model complex digital ecosystems, identify issues & opportunities, derive business & customer KPIs and ROI, envision best imaginable experiences, and design successful people-product-business journeys.
In 2008, Marilyn founded Salzman Consulting, an Experience Strategy, Research, and Design firm, where she curated and led a team of over 25 consultants specializing in user research, experience & visual design, prototyping, project & design management, and social & data analytics. Together, her team worked with companies large and small to understand customer and partner needs, envison future possiblitites, and create new products, end-to-end digital experiences, marketing and support websites, e-commerce systems, portals, responsive & mobil apps, and business applications. In 2022, she dialed down her larger practice to focus on personal consulting endeavors with the goal of driving social, environmental, and educational impact. She also teaches User-Centered Design at the University of Colorado and serves on the Tufts School of Engineeering Advisory Board.
Prior to counding Salzman Consulting, Markilyn managed the Customer Experience Research & Design team and a multi-million dolloar web desgn program for Sun Microsystems. She also worked at Genomica, US WEST Advanced Technologies, and the American Institutes for Research, wher she designed and evaluated a range of online, conusmer, and business products.
Marilyn has a Ph.D and M.A. in Human Factors Entgineering and Applied Congnitive Psychology from George Mason University, as well as a B.S. in Engineering Psychology/Human Factors from Tufts University.
In addition to design experience, Marilyn is passionate about our climate, local communities, and challenges facing our society today. She volunteers for the Sister Carmen Food Bank and the Climate Reality Project. In her spare time, Marilyn loves to explore out beautiful earth through eco-travel to places like Africa, India, and South America.