Instructor Elaine ChenElaine Chen is the Cummings Family Professor of the Practice in Entrepreneurship and the Director of Derby Entrepreneurship Center at Tufts.Read More Description Introductory course that takes students through all phases of business creation for...
Instructor TBD Description Team and Talent Management is a course focused on the most critical success factor in creating not just young startups and emerging companies, but also any business of any size. This course focuses on the entire chain of team building and...
Instructor Joe VolmanAs co-chair of the Business Law group, Joe's practice focuses on the representation of entrepreneurs and investors, startup and emerging companies, and PE/VC funds through all phases of the investment process.Read More Description Entrepreneurial...
Instructor Usha PasiUsha Pasi has spent her career serving as an advocate for donors and institutions pursuing their philanthropic and programmatic aims, and she has advised boards and organizations about best practices in governance.Read More Description Nonprofits...