ENT090 Paths to Entrepreneurship (2 credits, Second Half)
When:  Fall, Section B
Credits:  2 credits, Second Half
Enrollment Restrictions:  No enrollment restrictions. Freshmen are welcome.
Additional Notes:  


Phillip Ellison

Phillip Ellison

Phillip is a hybrid organizer, intergovernmental relations, and policy professional in city executive government.
Alex Ocampo

Alex Ocampo

Alex is a founder, startup operator and product strategy expert. He is the founder of a stealth startup and a Hardtech Development Fellow at mHub.


There is not one path to entrepreneurship. In this course, students learn and unlearn what it means to be an entrepreneur and the various paths one can take towards entrepreneurship. Whether starting in a traditional corporate job, joining a startup or monetizing your side hustle, students will learn from experts in the field how to leverage their experiences at Tufts and beyond to progress towards their ultimate goals. Students will engage in discussions and workshops to understand their narrative and envision their entrepreneurial future.