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Ecosystem Event: Girls Who VC 2023 Summit

Ecosystem Event: Girls Who VC 2023 Summit

Girls Who VC 2023 Summit:
The Next Generation of Female Leaders

What is the Girls Who VC Summit?

Description: The Girls Who VC 2023 Summit is a gathering for women and allies dedicated to reshaping the entrepreneurship and venture capital landscapes.

Objective: To inspire, educate, and empower the next generation of female leaders in venture capital. We will give attendees access to:

  • Actionable insights + resources to break into/thrive in the industry

  • Opportunities to connect with established mentors and peers from diverse backgrounds

  • A platform to celebrate the achievements and potential of women in VC, while laying a foundation for future inclusivity in the field

  • A pitch competition where attendees can either participate (gaining invaluable pitching experience + the opportunity to win a grant) or listen (gaining insight into new exciting ventures)

Date: November 11th, 2023

Location: Boston, Massachusetts

