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Entrepreneurial Speaker Series: Josh Kapelman, EVP & MD, Hilldun Corporation

Entrepreneurial Speaker Series: Josh Kapelman, EVP & MD, Hilldun Corporation
Building a Winning Team
Market size, business model, product-market fit, great financial models – all of the above pale in comparison to the #1 task of an entrepreneur: To build and grow a team that can not only implement tasks with operational excellence, but has a great team culture, in which team members have trust and confidence in each other and can work together well to overcome any obstacles along the way. Josh Kapelman, A12, EVP and MD of Hilldun Corporation and Member of the Board of Advisors at the Derby Entrepreneurship Center, will talk about how he did just that not only at his own company, but at the many nonprofits that he is involved in.
This talk is part of our “Inside the Entrepreneurial Classroom at Tufts” series where we open up guest speaker segments of Tufts University’s undergraduate entrepreneurship courses to the public.
Hosted by the Derby Entrepreneurship Center (DEC).