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Entrepreneurial Workshop: Framing and Lean Canvas Overview (Recording available)

Entrepreneurial Workshop: Framing and Lean Canvas Overview (Recording available)

In this session, we will review key frameworks and concepts that we will be using to coach and guide your progress throughout the summer, including Lean Startup, Customer Development, Disciplined Entrepreneurship and importantly, Lean Canvas (BMC). We will be using the Lean Canvas throughout the summer to check your progress and identify issues to address. The Lean Canvas will be a weekly deliverable for the Full Time cohort as part of our weekly accountability framework. At the end of the summer you will look back and be amazed at how far you have come in just 11 weeks!

This session is led by Prof. Elaine Chen, Cummings Family Professor of the Practice in Entrepreneurship and Director, Derby Entrepreneurship Center.

Hosted by the Derby Entrepreneurship Center (DEC).

This Entrepreneurial Workshop Series is part of the Tufts Venture Accelerator. Full time accelerator cohort members will be in-person – everyone else is welcome to join by Zoom.




