TGI/DEC Undergrad Student – Faculty Mixer

Come socialize and enjoy snacks with other undergraduates, discover our selection of minors and the MS in Innovation & Management, and meet TGI & DEC faculty at this casual student-faculty mixer. 


Burger Bar Happy Hour

Joyce Cummings Center 177 College Ave, Medford, United States

Enjoy free sliders and learn more about TGI's academic offerings, including our full suite of minors and the MS in Innovation & Management!


E-Week In-Person Event: Meet Your SOE Majors and Minors

SEC Atrium 200 College Avenue, Medford, MA, United States

Come talk to faculty and students in various engineering departments during Meet Your SOE Majors and Minors! TGI/DEC will be there to chat with you about the four minors (ENT, ENT for social impact, EMM, FFL) and one of the masters programs (MSIM).


E-Week In-Person Event: Undergraduate Research Fair

SEC Atrium 200 College Avenue, Medford, MA, United States

The undergraduate research fair invites students to meet with members of each lab and explore what it means to take part in research.


Graduate Resource Fair

First Floor Lobby, Joyce Cummings Center 177 College Avenue, Medford, MA, United States

Stop by and learn about resources that are available to graduate students outside Tufts' graduate academic programs

Entrepreneurial Pizza Open House

Tufts Venture Lab (JCC301) 177 College Ave, Medford, MA, United States

Join us for pizza and hear about what is happening at Derby Entrepreneurship Center this Spring. Get information on the upcoming New Ventures Competition and Consumer Product Fair. Meet the DEC team and learn about how coaching from our DEC Entrepreneurs-in-Residence can help you grow your venture. Talk to other students interested in innovation and entrepreneurship. Dive in and get involved this semester!
