David Meerman Scott

JCC 270 177 College Avenue, Medford, MA, United States

David Meerman Scott is a WSJ bestselling author of "The New Rules of Marketing and PR" and "Fanocracy". A leading marketing strategist, he focuses on real-time engagement and building passionate communities around brands.


Hardware Startup Panel

Joyce Cummings Center 177 College Ave, Medford, United States

Learn the in’s and out’s of starting a hardware startup and explore similarities and differences with other types of new venture creation.


Starting Small And Making It Big: The Cummings Way

Joyce Cummings Center 177 College Ave, Medford, United States

Join us for a fireside chat and book signing event with renowned entrepreneur and philanthropist Bill Cummings, founder of Cummings Properties and co-founder of Cummings Foundation.


Entrepreneurial Speaker Series: Catherine Popper, Angel Investor

Room 260, Joyce Cummings Center 177 College Avenue, Medford, MA, United States

Join us to hear from Catherine Popper, an angel investor and advisor to early-stage startups, as she shares her expertise on early-stage investing and the keys to successful partnerships.