Small Business & Side Hustles 101

Turn your hobby into a small business and run it as a side hustle

FIRST Resource Center Pilot – Fall 2024


FIRST Resource Center and DEC are teaming up to offer a new series of workshops designed to help Tufts students launch small businesses. Our MVP is a set of meetings that guide students with no prior experience through the process of planning and starting a side hustle.

The Fall 2024 program, currently in closed beta for the FIRST Resource Center community, focuses on consumer-facing products or freelance services. Example businesses include catering, crafts, photography, graphic design, digital content creation, and more.

Program Highlights

  • Step-by-step guidance to start your own side hustle or small business.
  • Six engaging workshops.
  • A $200 seed grant upon completion to help launch your business.
  • Opportunity to showcase your business at the Spring Consumer Product Fair in February 2025.
  • Please remember that attendance at all sessions is required to complete the program and be eligible for the $200 seed grant.

Workshop Dates

  • Session 1: Kickoff: Unleash Your Creativity – Sept 10, 2024
  • Session 2: Business Creation & Market Research – Sept 24, 2024
  • Session 3: Product Design & Development – Oct 8, 2024
  • Session 4: Pricing & Market Entry – Oct 22, 2024
  • Session 5: Legal, Accounting & Business Structures – Nov 5, 2024 (Subject to Change)
  • Session 6: Final Showcase & Launch Planning – Dec 3, 2024


SB101 – Kickoff: Unleash your creativity

SB101 – Kickoff: Unleash your creativity

Assess your own skills and interests to identify a business idea to explore
SB101 – Building the foundation: Business Creation & Market Research

SB101 – Building the foundation: Business Creation & Market Research

Learn the essentials of starting a business, focusing on market research and testing assumptions.
SB101 – From Idea To Reality: Product Design & Development

SB101 – From Idea To Reality: Product Design & Development

Define your product or service, explore quick prototyping, and test your concept with potential customers.
SB101 – Making Money: Pricing & Market Entry

SB101 – Making Money: Pricing & Market Entry

Dive into pricing, business models, and go-to-market strategies. Calculate how your business can make money.
SB101 – Administrivia: Legal, Accounting And More

SB101 – Administrivia: Legal, Accounting And More

Learn about business structures, agreements, and basic accounting.
SB101 – Final Showcase & Planning for Launch

SB101 – Final Showcase & Planning for Launch

Showcase your business idea and finalize your launch plan. Get ready to take your product or service to market with a clear, actionable plan.